Literary / Media Sites

The Gay Read
For GLBT readers and
writers in the UK
Lesbian and Gay Bookshop
Gormglaith - By
Heidi Wyss
Gormglaith is a radical and
poetic piece of work that operates on several levels... As feminist literature
it's unceasingly assertive, positive and controversial. As hard science fiction
it offers a deeply structured, often entertaining story, at turns inspiring and
disturbing, in a unique contribution to the genre.
The poetry and musings of Karen Godson
aka Sapphos_Poet
(there is some wonderful poetry on
this site!)
writing, art, pub banter, films, real recipes, love, hate and nothing in between
Mara McWilliams
Author of 'Outta My Head and In Your Face.' A book of selected poems and
artwork reflect the journey she went through as an undiagnosed bipolar person to
diagnosis through acceptance of her illness and sexuality.

A fabulous monthly publication
featuring the creativity of queer women.

Poetry Sites
The Gay Poet
GLBT Poetry site

Top 100 Women Sites
Women sites for love, beauty, health, family, fashion, and more...
Top 100 Sites
Top 100 Sites on the net
Worldwide TopSites
Worldwide Topsites
is a collection of web sites from around the world
arranged in popular subject categories.
Innovative directory
linking you to the internet's top Poetry sites.