Melswebs is a website designed for women. For women to send
their art, poetry or stories, or for women to come and see the work of others.
A place for you to show off your talents and hobbies.
Somewhere that you can come to chat to friends or post messages, ask questions
or to share a problem. The Message boards are ideal for those
of your who have questions that others may be able to answer. One section is a
Problem Page, so other women can share their views and experiences and maybe
help you out and offer you some form of support. A private
chat room is available for you to use and hopefully you will meet friends when
posting messages etc and arrange to meet in there for personal 'real-time'
chats. To have a laugh, share your dreams or ask for support when you are
feeling down or low and things feel to much for you to manage.
I hope you will enjoy this website and help us make it a virtual community where
all women can feel safe and unjudged, safe from criticism and discrimination.
Respectfully yours, Mel
About Mel
Images courtesy of Mark J Thomas
Caption copyright Mel of melswebs