interactive crossword on animals and insects - by Mel of Melswebs
Just click on a blank word in the crossword box itself, and the clue will appear!
help You must have a Java plugin installed and enabled to be able to use this interactive crossword puzzle. If you do have Java installed, it may be disabled, or there could have been a problem downloading the Java applet that this puzzle needs. Note that Windows XP and Internet Explorer 6 do not come with Java pre-installed. You can get a Java plugin at the official Java website. Create crosswords for free with EclipseCrossword. Download it today and you can be making your own crossword puzzle in minutes!
Note that Windows XP and Internet Explorer 6 do not come with Java pre-installed. You can get a Java plugin at the official Java website.
Create crosswords for free with EclipseCrossword. Download it today and you can be making your own crossword puzzle in minutes!
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